Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner
Transformative Touch® Therapist
Yoga Teacher
Movement Educator

Restore your inner balance.
Increase your resilience to stress.
Enhance your capacity to actively engage in life.

What I Do

I help my clients to become more attuned to their body and to create their own somatic toolkit full of personal resources to better navigate life’s challenges with healthy strategies.

My Services

Yoga & Movement Education

My approach to yoga focuses on body awareness, functional movement and optimal alignment to promote long term mobility.

Somatic Practice Sessions

Using a body-oriented approach, we explore the physiology of the nervous system, that is the body’s instinctive responses to stress or overwhelming events.

SE Training Personal Session Provider

I assist at different Somatic Experiencing® trainings and I am an approved session provider at all levels and a case consult provider at the beginning and intermediate levels.

About Me

I have always been fascinated by the undeniable link between the body and the mind and the innate capacity of the body, given the right conditions and adequate support, to move towards healing. My passion for learning and movement led me to study over the years different somatic approaches promoting nervous system regulation and healing.

“Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying life.”

— Bessel van der Kolk

Contact me for more information about my services and my fees.

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